Sunday, January 22, 2017

                                                             Natural Wood Sculptures

Natural wood sculptures are created from nature but cloaked and hidden from amateur discovery.  Wood in its "Natural" state that we find is not appealing to view.  The work and efforts to transform it into "ART" is significant. 

There is a multitude of layers to bring these wood pieces back to what I call furniture grade art. 

Most furniture made today is starting with man made woods already such as milled hardwoods and hardwood skinned plywood.  Where we start from is by far more crude and raw.  Beginning from wood's natural state in this example, more steps are taken to achieve a furniture grade ending.

I have a strong background working with wood and can recognize tool requirements, grain patterns for proper tool selection, maintaining natural shapes and so forth.  Hand crafting is quite difficult and time consuming.  Going with what nature gives you is by no means something that I will take credit for but something that I find fulfilling and returning the woods beauty.

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